Ever since they came out, they have been a topic of discussion. That is breast implants, or as Mr. Nik Richie calls them +2's (cause they add 2 points to your 1-10 score). Surprisingly, they have been around since 1895, but I'm sure not used for what they are used for today. Today we find women doing them left and right and at the young age of 16 (sometimes even younger). I'm not against implants, or plastic surgery, I just think that the people should know what they are up against, why they really are getting them, and is it something that they can or cannot live without. Lets take Heidi Montag as an example, that girl did not need that much surgery and now she realizes that she looks like a walking monster and hates it. I found these two quoted studies on wikipedia I thought they would be interesting to ad in. " A 2007 Swedish and US longitudinal study found that women who get cosmetic breast implants are nearly three times as likely to commit suicide as other women. No notable increase was seen in the first 10 years after surgery, but 10 to 19 years after, risk was 4.5 times higher, and six times higher after 20 years, compared with the expected suicide rate." "The same study found that women with breast implants also had a tripled risk of death from alcohol and drug use. Seven studies have been made connecting breast implants to a higher rate of suicide."
If a girl is doing this for more attention from a man or any man, she should re-evaluate getting them and see a doctor. If you are getting them cause you feel like what you do not have is making you look at yourself in a negative way and you feel comfy getting them then get them. Girls who get them for the attention of men just make me crazy, you should find other ways to make someone like you. Would you risk your life under the knife for these? Are there cases that they are needed? What do you think of girls who do it for bikini season and to pick up men? What are all my readers opinion on this subject?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Bad influence my little darling.
Ok, so I finally got around to Sephora and making my exchange (I picked up the wrong nail polish). I got my beautiful brown called BAD INFLUENCE! This brown is great for the spring with all the navy, reds, yellows, coming into play in your wardrobe. This brown is not so deep, so it is def. a color I'm bringing into the spring time.
When I was in Sephora, I asked if they had any of the sold out "little darling" lipstick. The color is very light but beautiful! Since they didn't have any I gave up and ordered via Amazon.com. This color is so beautiful and very tasteful. It will also look great with dark smoky eyes or navy eyes! Remember you can make smoky eyes with any color its not only black.
When I was in Sephora, I asked if they had any of the sold out "little darling" lipstick. The color is very light but beautiful! Since they didn't have any I gave up and ordered via Amazon.com. This color is so beautiful and very tasteful. It will also look great with dark smoky eyes or navy eyes! Remember you can make smoky eyes with any color its not only black.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
IF you live in the Phoenix Area
I suggest that you come to my Yard/Garage sale this weekend. I have tons of my friends stuff that is all from Europe brands like Zara, River Island, Burberry and tons of other stuff all sizes. If you want to come post a comment and I will give you my address!!!!
Is having a huge and I mean huge sale, cuteeee stuff under 10 dollars. check it out, see if you like anything. I have shopped at Urbans since I was 13 wow!!!
Hey everyone, I don't know if you know this site, but they carry a lot of JC's and also have really cute other shoes and dresses for good prices. I suggest you check it out if you get a chance. If you are in the west coast you will realize spring is coming!!! If you are stuck back east for the next 3-4 months catch those 70 percent off sales on winter clothes and get that beautiful sweater you have been eyeing!!! So the website is
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Summer shoeissue
So, I'm in love with two pairs of shoes for the spring/summer. I usually pick one good pair of high shoes for the spring/summer, since I'm mostly in flats, chasing around my daughter. These are my top two shoes that I'm in love with. The navy ones are Tory Burch and the other wooden heels are Jeffery Campbell. My husband says both are ugly (since he hates heels) so I thought I would ask my girls what they thought and which ones would you wear? See the Poll on the side to tell me which one you prefer!!!
So, my new color is navy, and personally I'm sick of girls in little black dresses' and reading articles about the "new" little black dress. Audrey Hepburn did a great job bringing in a beautiful and classic black dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's, this dress has been altered and changed as many times as possible. I believe it is time for a change, to a navy dress. The color is still dark so you will still be hiding those unwanted places, but at the same time you will not look like every other girl at the event or club you are in. When people say LBD you think of it for every possible event, you go out and get a long one a short one and a medium length one, now lets try navy. Pair up your work LND with red pointy toe pumps or flats for a more casual office look. Going to the club? Try your LND with tan platforms or wedges. Have a formal event to go to? Pair the LND with gold shoes. Girls have fun with navy, don't be afraid to mix it with fun colors. A look that didn't become too popular but I personally loved was a scarf around the ankle with some fun shoes and your LND in the spring!!!!
Great for daytime:
Dinner party, event or cocktail:
A night out on the town:
Low price:
Great for daytime:
Dinner party, event or cocktail:
A night out on the town:
Low price:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hoarders!!! Are you one?
My husband put all the boxes in front of me, that filled up my living room. He told me nicely "Natalie, nothing will come into this house (new) unless this stuff is put away nicely and most of it should be sold or donated (which I really didn't think a homeless person would care about a denim Louis Vuitton circa 2007 I rather sell it and donate the money)." I broke down in tears!!! But that's the sweater I wore when I was 17 and I had a hot body and that's the pants that I wore when I saw Ricky Martin in concert etc etc. I thought to myself am I a hoarder? I always thought I was a deal finder and a collector.
Well, I examined myself (I took a few Psych classes) I remembered when I was 18 that I moved from my moms house to my dads, and that my sister went through my room and threw everything away. Which I believed started my nightmares that I have once a week about packing and not being able to fit everything in on time. Then when I was 20 I moved to Arizona, after a few years I went back to D.C. and I left my mom to pack up my townhouse, and she gave away a lot of my stuff and stored the rest in her garage. After that in 2005 back in AZ my house flooded and I had to stay in a hotel at that time my home was broken into and all my Jewelry, laptops and purses were stolen. In the mean time the person I was renting the house from decided to sell the house to the lenders without telling me, so everything inside was thrown away! Every time I moved or something happened I felt like I lost apart of me. So I kept keeping everything.
After my exam of myself, I realized I was a hoarder and there was just too much stuff and no need for them. They were sitting in boxes, and 90% of them were clothes and I would say 60% has tags on them. So I went through my stuff, and I found a lot of stuff to sell and donate, but I did find stuff that I really don't want to part with. Such as the sweater I had on my first date with my husband. Ticket stubs and other small things like that I decided to do things with. If you are a hoarder here are some suggestions as what I think I will be doing.
* Go through everything and ask yourself "IS THIS REALLY IMPORTANT, WILL I NEED IT IN 5 YEARS?"
*After going through everything, decide what you want to sell (garage sale) what you wanna put on eBay (cause you really cant sell it for 50 cents it would just break your heart) and what you will donate.
*Agree with yourself that after 2 garage sales that whatever is left will be donated.
*Remind yourself in this process that you can have money for something really great!!!!
*Take things such as that sweater I wore on my first date, first kiss shirt, pieces of your daughters first outfit she wore out and have them made into a quilt, so you will always have them, but they wont be cluttering up your life.
*Take your ticket stubs, Receipts from the dinner you went to on your first valentines and scrapbook them. Make them just as important as you feel they are and put them all in a book.
*Things like the 5 inch platforms that you loved and vowed to wear till death but you really have no need for them, take a really cool picture of them put it in black and white and frame it, do that with other fun clothing items and decorate your way up your stairs in these pictures, you will always have the memory of the clothes that's the important thing.
*Make a time capsule, even if you don't put it under the ground, get a shoe box and put things in there that you really wanna remember like a Barbie or doll that you know is childish but you love.
I really hope that this will help some of you girls out there, also when you go shopping ask yourself do you really need this even if it is 2 dollars. Those 2 dollars ad up, and trust me they ad up to something that could be really great in my case those 2 dollars here and there could of bought me a damn Ferrari haha.
Well, I examined myself (I took a few Psych classes) I remembered when I was 18 that I moved from my moms house to my dads, and that my sister went through my room and threw everything away. Which I believed started my nightmares that I have once a week about packing and not being able to fit everything in on time. Then when I was 20 I moved to Arizona, after a few years I went back to D.C. and I left my mom to pack up my townhouse, and she gave away a lot of my stuff and stored the rest in her garage. After that in 2005 back in AZ my house flooded and I had to stay in a hotel at that time my home was broken into and all my Jewelry, laptops and purses were stolen. In the mean time the person I was renting the house from decided to sell the house to the lenders without telling me, so everything inside was thrown away! Every time I moved or something happened I felt like I lost apart of me. So I kept keeping everything.
After my exam of myself, I realized I was a hoarder and there was just too much stuff and no need for them. They were sitting in boxes, and 90% of them were clothes and I would say 60% has tags on them. So I went through my stuff, and I found a lot of stuff to sell and donate, but I did find stuff that I really don't want to part with. Such as the sweater I had on my first date with my husband. Ticket stubs and other small things like that I decided to do things with. If you are a hoarder here are some suggestions as what I think I will be doing.
* Go through everything and ask yourself "IS THIS REALLY IMPORTANT, WILL I NEED IT IN 5 YEARS?"
*After going through everything, decide what you want to sell (garage sale) what you wanna put on eBay (cause you really cant sell it for 50 cents it would just break your heart) and what you will donate.
*Agree with yourself that after 2 garage sales that whatever is left will be donated.
*Remind yourself in this process that you can have money for something really great!!!!
*Take things such as that sweater I wore on my first date, first kiss shirt, pieces of your daughters first outfit she wore out and have them made into a quilt, so you will always have them, but they wont be cluttering up your life.
*Take your ticket stubs, Receipts from the dinner you went to on your first valentines and scrapbook them. Make them just as important as you feel they are and put them all in a book.
*Things like the 5 inch platforms that you loved and vowed to wear till death but you really have no need for them, take a really cool picture of them put it in black and white and frame it, do that with other fun clothing items and decorate your way up your stairs in these pictures, you will always have the memory of the clothes that's the important thing.
*Make a time capsule, even if you don't put it under the ground, get a shoe box and put things in there that you really wanna remember like a Barbie or doll that you know is childish but you love.
I really hope that this will help some of you girls out there, also when you go shopping ask yourself do you really need this even if it is 2 dollars. Those 2 dollars ad up, and trust me they ad up to something that could be really great in my case those 2 dollars here and there could of bought me a damn Ferrari haha.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Really....What is classy?
There is no exact definition of classy, each person would say something different. If you asked Perez Hilton he would say Lady Gaga and if you asked Karl (Chanel) he would say Kate Moss. We cannot bore ourselves with worrying how classy we are but rather, if you feel confident (and your not exposing 99 percent of your skin) then most likely you are passing the classy rule. Something that I find that is not classy is being to plain. This picture shows a girl in a simple wrap dress, and yeah its classy, but its nothing exciting, it is almost $400, and I just have yet to find something exciting about it. Classy does not always mean a price tag. I mean honestly can you walk around with your price tag hanging out? No. Then we have the label whores, (which I admit I do have a Gucci or 2 with GG's on them). You can wear labels, but over doing it is just like you are trying to show us how much you spent, and honestly we really don't care. I rather someone have on a cute outfit from Target then a $2,000 Gucci one that they are just a giant GG in. Who do you think is classy? What do you think your classiest outfit is?
Guess who's back for the Spring/Summer 2011!!!!!
NAVY BLUE!!!! YAY!!! My grandmothers most hated color (she loved purple), but a color that is fun and classy. I have a closet filled with navy and I'm so excited to break them out. The only problem I was having was finding a color to go with them, but a girl on the blog lamasrichie.com mentioned wearing red. I thought that would be perfect. I also thought that a dash of yellow would be great. Do you navy with gold or silver? I personally navy with Gold, or just small studs. But if you wanna play up the accessories I would stick with gold, and pearls.
Also, a great color that I'm seeing everywhere is YELLOW!!! Doesn't mean girls that we race out in our yellow track suits. But having a pair of yellow pants (see pic) or pencil skirt, or even shoes would be cute. These shoes and pants are by Tory Burch, but give it a few weeks before H&M and Forever 21 are having something just like it! I wouldn't put a large investment into yellow, but navy I think is here to stay for a while.
Also, a great color that I'm seeing everywhere is YELLOW!!! Doesn't mean girls that we race out in our yellow track suits. But having a pair of yellow pants (see pic) or pencil skirt, or even shoes would be cute. These shoes and pants are by Tory Burch, but give it a few weeks before H&M and Forever 21 are having something just like it! I wouldn't put a large investment into yellow, but navy I think is here to stay for a while.
I just wanted to give you girls a head's up and a chance to get it before it is sold on e-bay, Leifsdottir beautiful jacket. It was $685 and still has tags on it, my mom bought it for my sister and it just is not fitting her busty size. it is a size 6 (Leifsdottir is pretty much true to their size). The jacket is amazing and beautiful. Sadly it past the return time, and my mom also got 20% off, so she wants to sell it for $350. If you want it please let me know I will hold it for you otherwise it is going on ebay it is a beautiful jacket girls grab it!!!
Post a comment if you want pictures I'm waiting for my mom to send :)
Post a comment if you want pictures I'm waiting for my mom to send :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sorry for the lack of posts girls....
Girls this week has been tough, first my daughter got super sick then I got super sick and now my husband is super sick. I haven't forgotten you guys! I also have finals this week. So once I get passed all this I will start with great new posts!
Plus sized gets last years left overs.
So, by now if you read my blog, you know I'm a "plus sized" girl. So, I was searching forever 21 and torrid in their "plus sized collections" hoping to find something super cute for valentines day. Sadly, the plus sized department has what the regular sized departments had last year! I know you people who aren't plus size will say "well lose weight and wear what you want", but see I like my body, I embrace my curves and I'm happy the way that I'm. When will fashion come to terms that not everyone is a size 2, and not everyone that is plus sized wants to wear what was cute LAST YEAR. I know thankfully how to shop and put things together to look extra cute, but I really wish that I didn't have to go through so much work to get one cute outfit! Some tips for my girls who are not a size 2...
*dont give up, and embrace what you have
*shop around, target, forever 21, torrid, old navy even department stores
*make that boring dress something cute by adding the hottest shoes and purse you can find.
*for a basic outfit, grab a black tank, a black cardi skinny jeans flats and put on a scarf and some big hoops.
*for a night out, a small dress can become a long shirt with a pair of leggings or tights and super cute shoes.
*if you really love something and have extra money consider making your new best friend a taylor they can work magic.
Here are some pictures of two plus sized outfits for "this season" that are sooo last year, and one of the regular sized clothes that is super cute.
*dont give up, and embrace what you have
*shop around, target, forever 21, torrid, old navy even department stores
*make that boring dress something cute by adding the hottest shoes and purse you can find.
*for a basic outfit, grab a black tank, a black cardi skinny jeans flats and put on a scarf and some big hoops.
*for a night out, a small dress can become a long shirt with a pair of leggings or tights and super cute shoes.
*if you really love something and have extra money consider making your new best friend a taylor they can work magic.
Here are some pictures of two plus sized outfits for "this season" that are sooo last year, and one of the regular sized clothes that is super cute.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
So every year we normal people (non celebs) wait around for the awards show, mostly because we like to see who hit it and who missed it. With the Oscars coming up I'm really excited to see what everyone will be wearing since the Golden Globes were just blah! (I guess once you've seen Lady Gaga's fashion nobody really can out do her) I personally hate when people under dress for these events, (short dresses, jeans, anything leather) But I do think that one person every year should take one for the team and dress really stupid (like Bjorks swan dress). As much as I cant stand JLO (Jennifer Lopez) I have to say that her Green Versace dress was by far one of my favorite awards show dresses. Her dress stood out but in a good way, she had the body and courage to pull off something few could do, and also started a big new trend that year. So girls, what have been your fav awards show dresses? Who do you think will be the craziest at the Oscars this year? And do you think we can ban Taylor Swift from these events her dresses are just so PROM!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Will it ever end?!
If you are a mother you will understand this, if not continue on for your future!! haha. When I had my first child (she is 8 now) I sat and watched every sponge bob and dora with a happy face. I thought how Dora was great for teaching her some basic things (which it did) and sponge bob got her to giggle. Years later, I got pregnant with my now 2 year old. I promised myself no more sponge bob or dora or anything, just Elmo and learning tv. Well that changed! My daughter is hooked on them, and they are driving me crazy. If I dont have it on for her when we are home she is freaking out. I'm trying to sneak in more educational shows, which she does fall for sometimes. But I keep thinking to myself how I want a big family, how will I go through this with each child!!!! I will go bat crazy! My older sister let her kids watch the show but would not let them wear anything from the show, she said it is ghetto, and for the most part Dora and Sponge bob outfits are not the cutest thing, but your child smiles when they have them on. I can't deny my little girl, but any suggestions moms out there on how to get it to like 45 min a day at most!!!! I'm just busy thanking God that the Hannah Montana end is this coming Sunday! (even though my daughter is not allowed to watch the last season cause its for like 20 yr olds ha ha)
J'adore H&M
H&M has been a fav of mine since they opened up in DC around 2001-2002. When I moved back to AZ there was no H&M. I think I prayed to the fashion Gods, to deliver me an H&M since they don't have online stores in the US (Sucky!!!) So, Last year H&M opened here with 2 locations I felt complete! Ha ha. Not only is H&M affordable, it is also super classy and chic. The offer everything from sports clothes to work to clubbing clothes for next to nothing. The only thing that made me sad is they stopped carrying size 16 which was great for us plus size girls! Their sizes though do run large. If you are not a fan on facebook.com they just added this new ad with stuff for the spring which is super cute! The hounds tooth cardi will be mine. If you don't have an H&M near you, I suggest a two times a year road trip to the closest one. It will be well worth it. If you check their website they are always opening stores. So what do you think do you love H&M like me? Cause really most people say its a love it or hate it store!!! have you also checked the children's department? Even if you don't have kids, gifts from there are super cute and super cheap :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Makeup that I love....
Ok girls, I have makeup forever, and I have taken time and time to find the perfect things that I love. I wanted to share them with you, and also learn what you love. I have worked for Lancome and Prescriptive, but I can never stick with one brand no matter what! So here goes.....
DiorShow by Dior...I would say this is the best mascara ever made it does everything for your eyes.
Fiber Wig (sold in sephora)- this is like adding fake eyelashes to your eyes however you have to use i with another mascara
Fresh by benefit (sold in sephora) I would say that this is great to mix with the fiber wig, it is not as clumpy as DiorShow but personally I like the clumpy look.
By far NARS orgasm is the best blush ever. It is great with every skin color.
For a palate Dior
For single shadows Nars would be number one come in next tied would be Makeup Forever and MAC. If you are looking for something that is super strong and is almost like stage makeup then makeup forever has a strong pigment.

Personally I use a brush and dip it in my black Dior Eyeshadow. For a pencil liner I have found Lo real makes a great black one, I use both. For a smudgy look, Dior has a great one that comes with a smudge brush on the other end. Also for a thick look, try BAD GIRL (sold at sephora).
For long lasting, Nars thin lipstick is great, I also love MAC lipsticks the price is good and they are great colors. For gloss, I actually love the clear tube of wet and wild hahaha it is actually the same as lipglass by mac!
Foundation: If you want a strong face cover Makeup Forever is the best, it is expensive but you will be completely covered. If you wanna spend a little less and get great results MAC studio fix.
By farrrr the best brushes are Bobbi Brown hands down! I have had these brush's for over 9 years I clean them every night and they are still in great condition. They are pricey, but if you buy them in a set usually they have better deals. These are something worth investing in.
As for face cream, I personally don't use it, I use water and that has been the best thing for me. Everyone is different. So girls what do you use?!
DiorShow by Dior...I would say this is the best mascara ever made it does everything for your eyes.
Fiber Wig (sold in sephora)- this is like adding fake eyelashes to your eyes however you have to use i with another mascara
Fresh by benefit (sold in sephora) I would say that this is great to mix with the fiber wig, it is not as clumpy as DiorShow but personally I like the clumpy look.
By far NARS orgasm is the best blush ever. It is great with every skin color.
For a palate Dior
For single shadows Nars would be number one come in next tied would be Makeup Forever and MAC. If you are looking for something that is super strong and is almost like stage makeup then makeup forever has a strong pigment.

Personally I use a brush and dip it in my black Dior Eyeshadow. For a pencil liner I have found Lo real makes a great black one, I use both. For a smudgy look, Dior has a great one that comes with a smudge brush on the other end. Also for a thick look, try BAD GIRL (sold at sephora).
For long lasting, Nars thin lipstick is great, I also love MAC lipsticks the price is good and they are great colors. For gloss, I actually love the clear tube of wet and wild hahaha it is actually the same as lipglass by mac!
Foundation: If you want a strong face cover Makeup Forever is the best, it is expensive but you will be completely covered. If you wanna spend a little less and get great results MAC studio fix.
By farrrr the best brushes are Bobbi Brown hands down! I have had these brush's for over 9 years I clean them every night and they are still in great condition. They are pricey, but if you buy them in a set usually they have better deals. These are something worth investing in.
As for face cream, I personally don't use it, I use water and that has been the best thing for me. Everyone is different. So girls what do you use?!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Neimans Sale
Heads up on a good sale at Neimans they have a lot of great purses, shoes are mostly boots but if you are in the East coast you still have use for them :)
Jeffery and Me!
Ok, first sorry about the horrible picture, but those are my first Jeffery Campbell shoes.
Last May, I went to Nordy's (Nordstrom) with my birthday gift cards from my family. I walked around, and I saw what looked like God himself had placed them on the display, I freaked out. I texted my husband "baby, I know you said save the money for the Burberry but I cant I'm sorry". He didnt waste his time responding he knew I was weak when I went to Nordstrom. I ran to the sales girl (usually at Nordstrom they run to you but I was so excited) I told her I NEEDED THEM NOW! She said they didnt have my size and they sell like "hot cakes" but she could order them for me. Few days later I got my shoes. Thinking in my head "beauty is pain" (the only thing my sister ever taught me) they would hurt like hell. But when I put them on they didnt, and then I went to the store with them and they didnt hurt and I thought OK what is up HOT shoes that dont hurt!!! So I ordered other shoes by JC (isn't JC also Jesus Christ haha I'm joking I'm not that crazy but they are heavenly shoes) and they were just as comfy. His shoes are beautiful well made and super comfy, they are a little pricey usually around 120-250 but let me tell you they are worth every penny. His shoes sell fast and are really hard to find, Nordstrom usually has such a limited supply, I found solestruck.com and lulus.com sells them. Solestruck offers free shipping which is great they even ship worldwide! Girls if you dont have any JC's start saving cause his spring collection is looking hot, if you do have some comment and tell me do you feel the same way about them as I do?
Last May, I went to Nordy's (Nordstrom) with my birthday gift cards from my family. I walked around, and I saw what looked like God himself had placed them on the display, I freaked out. I texted my husband "baby, I know you said save the money for the Burberry but I cant I'm sorry". He didnt waste his time responding he knew I was weak when I went to Nordstrom. I ran to the sales girl (usually at Nordstrom they run to you but I was so excited) I told her I NEEDED THEM NOW! She said they didnt have my size and they sell like "hot cakes" but she could order them for me. Few days later I got my shoes. Thinking in my head "beauty is pain" (the only thing my sister ever taught me) they would hurt like hell. But when I put them on they didnt, and then I went to the store with them and they didnt hurt and I thought OK what is up HOT shoes that dont hurt!!! So I ordered other shoes by JC (isn't JC also Jesus Christ haha I'm joking I'm not that crazy but they are heavenly shoes) and they were just as comfy. His shoes are beautiful well made and super comfy, they are a little pricey usually around 120-250 but let me tell you they are worth every penny. His shoes sell fast and are really hard to find, Nordstrom usually has such a limited supply, I found solestruck.com and lulus.com sells them. Solestruck offers free shipping which is great they even ship worldwide! Girls if you dont have any JC's start saving cause his spring collection is looking hot, if you do have some comment and tell me do you feel the same way about them as I do?
To all my Business Women
Well, we know buying clothes for work gets annoying cause you dont want to always wear the same thing, but you also dont want to spend your whole paycheck on a suit. Well I just wanted to let you girls know that Anntaylorloft.com and Anntaylor.com are currently offering 40 percent off of your purchase. And as always I suggest Target! They have a great line by Mossimo black that have great pants that last forever and wash easy! Just a heads up!
Classy or Trashy?
Remember when the beautiful Kate Moss came out with the CK ad's topless and the world dropped its jaws!!! Well, way over 10 years later we have "models" and actress's trying to embrace the nude photography, or partially covered photos. Kate Moss opened a door to photography, and seeing things in different perspectives with her CK ad. I have seen many pictures, that are in well taste, but in the past few years, it seems that women are becoming more tasteless to sell whatever they have to make a few bucks! Here is a photo of an actress from Gossip girl, not full frontal naked but showing what her mama gave her, when I saw this I just thought how trashy it looked, for such a beautiful girl this is not the artistic range that a young actress should be aiming for. Personally, I think unless you are a high fashion model or a well known actress doing shoots like the "Kate Moss" (as I call it) just looks bad for the most part. Girls what do you think?
For all the Mommys out there!!!
So tonight my daughter decided she is done with diapers (I found her wondering around with no pants and heading towards her potty) I never wanted to push her to do it, but I always showed her were it is and how mommy does it. Every child, parent, book says something different as to how to handle this situation. For example my ex husband took my daughters diaper off and said pee on yourself thats your problem she was 2 and after one day was trained. I saw this as kind of harsh, yeah it worked but like I said every child is different. A few months back before my younger daughter turned 2 she used the toilet 2 times, but she didn't seem ready for this. I don't think parents should feel pressured by this, I have seen children who are 4-5 who are still using diapers not even training pants. I admit that is a little bit old, but pressure only makes a child more nervous, you want this experience to be something fun and exciting or else your child could end up holding in their urine and etc. causing infections. Another thing that I have made clear to my daughter is to not be naked around the house, she has to at least have underwear on, you never know if they fall and hurt themselves plus its just unsanitary! I do have a potty for her, but after reading many reviews I found a great potty by fischer price that has toilet paper on the side and a real sounding flush, I though this might be a little more exciting for her. Along with the Prudence potty training video and book. Its going to be a journey, but in the end I dont have to carry diapers in wipes in my purse :D so I have a lot more room!!!! Let the training begin!!!!
Mothers, tell me how you trained your child, or how you plan too?
Mothers, tell me how you trained your child, or how you plan too?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cusp, by Neiman Marcus that carries brands such as Alice + Olivia, Tory Burch, House of Harlow and other funky fun brands is having a big sale!!! I checked out the website to make sure it wasn't just a bunch of junk, and they had a lot of cute stuff for the day and night time! Sizes however are limited which is kinda sucky! So it you get a chance check them out. Also this week Aldo is having a big shoe sale with extra 30% off they not only have winter shoes but have put in a few of their cute new summer shoes. If you are a first time Aldo shoe buyer, I tend to wear one size bigger in their shoes, and try to read the reviews some shoes are not as comfy as we all wished! Take a moment to check out the Marc Jacobs spring handbag collection tell me what you think? I think super cute, but with a big BUT they look like a lot of other handbags I have seen this year just with a few things changed (strap length and small stuff like that). Happy Shopping!!!!
Foreign Film Love Affair
Move over Hollywood, cause personally I'm sick of you! I have always enjoyed foreign films, but lately I cant stop watching them, and mostly Bollywood!!! My mom got me a membership to Netflix.com so I can watch them online. Sadly most stores don't care a lot of foreign films. I started my love affair with Spanish films, mostly ones that star Gael Garcia Bernal (Y tu mama tambien) I highly recommend this movie, and anything he stars in, but at the same time you have to keep an open mind for a lot of the roles he plays. Bollywood has taken my heart though away from the Latin films, and I cannot stop watching them, they are at least 2 hrs long (if not they are not a good Indian film, from what I have noticed.) Most Indian movies have the same plot but somehow they get you there for 2 1/2 hrs and you get caught up in the movies. I dont know about all of my readers, but American Films just are not cutting it for me anymore, they are not what they used to be. People seem so into graphics fashion and effects that they forget the story line. I also feel that most of the good actors and actress's are taking less roles or none at all.
Some movies to get you started
1) Y tu Mama tambien
2) the crime and passion of father amore
3) Johada Akbar
4) Dehli 6
5) We are Family
Anything that stars
Some movies to get you started
1) Y tu Mama tambien
2) the crime and passion of father amore
3) Johada Akbar
4) Dehli 6
5) We are Family
Anything that stars
Abhishek Bachchan,
Shahrukh Khan or Gael Garcia Bernal will be a great movie.
Monday, January 10, 2011
My winter/spring purse
So girls, I got my Chanel bow sunglasses and I adore them to death. So I had to ad a purse that was adorable too. I looked and looked and I found a Coach purse that I feel in love with. I really got sick of paying so much money to advertise for Gucci and Louis Vuitton, and decided to stick to a simple leather purse that was big enough for my Ipad makeup among other stuff (mostly diapers for my daughter and things of that need). The purse didn't set me back as much as previous years and seasons, so I had extra money to invest into small clutches and crossbody bags. I really love Coach, but I really hate having the C C C 's all over or even G G G or LV LV LV. What will you carry for the winter/spring, and are you already looking for your summer purse? or is it just me!!!! I don't know what color I'm going for in summer, but I'm thinking bright!
Ps....the purse looks a lot better in person it is really big!!!! Tell me what you think!
Ps....the purse looks a lot better in person it is really big!!!! Tell me what you think!
Friends forever!
All my life, I have stayed away from having direct friends. I don't even know why, its not that I'm a loaner or a loser it is just the way I wanted it to be. As I became older, I found a few good friends, and I love them to death. The sad thing is that my best friend is moving to Saudi Arabia forever! I keep telling her I'm going to tie her up and keep her here, but I know that I cannot do that. Since my husband is from Saudi I can always go there and visit her, but having her thousands of miles away is a big diff from having her 20 miles away. She is also the Godmother to my youngest daughter and friends with my older daughter. So how do I let my best friend go? I do not want to go back to being the hermit that I have been for all these years, she really let me shine and let me be who I was and helped me to be a strong women. She also has the best style! I always was trying to steal her purses and sunglasses. Anyone have any idea's how to deal with this situation?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Your body, Your art.
I made the mistake in 2005 of getting the "tramp stamp" in Arabic saying "I love you" and now, I regret it and just wish I could rip it off of me. I try to ignore it but sometimes I catch it and I just say "whyyyyy". I have had piercings, but I always only kept one in at a time to not look like a nut, and I always kept them small classy and simple. Currently I have a small diamond Monroe and that horrid tramp stamp. But my questions is why do these girls get arm sleeves of tattoos and all over their bodies? Look at Kat Von D who has a beautiful face, but her body is filled with these "works of art". I say keep the art on canvas, and if you must be classy about it. No Tijuana drunken night tattoos. I wish they had a deal going on for lasering off tramp stamps I would be first in line. What do you girls think about tattoos? I mean I'm all for freedom of doing what you want but it just really breaks my heart when I see a girl covered in tattoo's, that they will be regretting in 10 years (if not less).
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Is this really necessary????
Ok, a lot of my readers are mothers, or aunts, uncles older sisters etc. Even future mothers, I just want to know is it really necessary to have a burberry stroller and your children in Gucci clothes? As adorable as these clothes and stroller are they really worth it for your growing baby or child?
I can tell you that I wanted the Juicy or Burberry stroller so bad and I was about to go and buy it, the Juicy was $495 (somewhere around that) and when I looked at it online I realized there was no place for cups, snacks or even bags in the under carriage! So it was basically a done up $15.00 umbrella stroller, same goes for the Burberry! I ended up with a Graco and although it is not super stylish it is so easy to carry around my bags and have my Starbucks in the cup holder. As for clothes, egh, my first daughter got spoiled by family with Burberry, and my little one has a lot of Juicy, but I would not personally go out and buy them for my girls, not that they are not worth it, but I know they really could care less! I don't want to have to worry about them spilling grape juice on a $200.00 shirt, plus the fact that they grow out of things within 1 month! If you do decide to invest in Burberry and Juicy or Gucci, I say check the outlets first they have great deals. Also my favorite EBay, you have a lot of parents who just put their children in a dress one time . All in all, your children would rather be comfy in stretch pants and you will be happy in a stroller that you don't have to hold onto a sippy cup a purse and a million other things at once! As for family when you are looking for a gift for that expecting mother, think of her also, most likely she rather have 100 dollars worth of onezies and pj's for the baby then anything else!
I can tell you that I wanted the Juicy or Burberry stroller so bad and I was about to go and buy it, the Juicy was $495 (somewhere around that) and when I looked at it online I realized there was no place for cups, snacks or even bags in the under carriage! So it was basically a done up $15.00 umbrella stroller, same goes for the Burberry! I ended up with a Graco and although it is not super stylish it is so easy to carry around my bags and have my Starbucks in the cup holder. As for clothes, egh, my first daughter got spoiled by family with Burberry, and my little one has a lot of Juicy, but I would not personally go out and buy them for my girls, not that they are not worth it, but I know they really could care less! I don't want to have to worry about them spilling grape juice on a $200.00 shirt, plus the fact that they grow out of things within 1 month! If you do decide to invest in Burberry and Juicy or Gucci, I say check the outlets first they have great deals. Also my favorite EBay, you have a lot of parents who just put their children in a dress one time . All in all, your children would rather be comfy in stretch pants and you will be happy in a stroller that you don't have to hold onto a sippy cup a purse and a million other things at once! As for family when you are looking for a gift for that expecting mother, think of her also, most likely she rather have 100 dollars worth of onezies and pj's for the baby then anything else!
Assistance needed in aisle 7
Ok first sorry no photo but I'm writing from the iPad. My daughter is jogging the laptop. Girls am I the only one that has a two year old more tech savey then me? Anyways back to what I need assistance on....so I finally got around to picking my bedding and furniture since June my husband and I have just used some ghetto furniture that we found cheap in hopes of finding something we loved. Finally I have found a beautiful lighter blue blanket and brown sheets. The colors are great together, we decided on white furniture well it's a bit off white, but mostly cause I change room colors twice a year. My question and help is how do I decorate the walls?? I love leopard and it would go great with the colors but leopard can look tacky if done wrong. My thought would be maybe a leopard picture frame, and a pillow in the middle of the bed. But at the same time I'm like be tacky and wall paper one wall leopard (please don't let me do that)....or should I just leave the colors and throw out the leopard all together. Thanks girls waiting for your suggestions.....
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Ballerina Mommy...
As we all know (if you read my blog) I'm a mother of two girls. Well that makes me hard to be able to run around in my 5 inch Jeffery Campbell's! I also feel funny wearing hot shoes and pushing a stroller. Does not mean I will lose my fashion and become a dumpy frumpy mom, but I will find other ways to stay cute. I think this past week alone I have bought 6 pairs of ballet flats. I love them, they are super comfy, super cute, and you dont look like a nike wearing mom with ugly jeans and denim shirts! All these women think because you become a mom you should lose your style but thats not true, you should just save the high heels for non family events and invest in ballet flats that you can race around in. Another suggestion is to not invest a lot in one pair, but rather get 2-3 pairs under 40 dollars rather than 1. I found a lot of cute ones at forever 21. Also, make sure to get ones that do not scrunch in the back, those are painful! I got Tory Burch ones a few Christmas's ago, and those are the most painful shoes ever even worse then 10 inch stripper shoes! Being a mommy is not easy, so give your feet a rest, but a stylish rest!!!
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