Please someone kill me, because school is in session and that means that the SLUTS ARE OUT. Sorry to speak so bluntly, but when I drive past ASU (Arizona State University) I cant help but gag a little. Why is it so important to wear booty shorts and tight tube tops to school? My husband who goes to the university even pointed out how the girls spend more than half their time pulling their shorts out of ridding up on them! Girls, Im not trying to be a nerd, and its all good to have a little classy fun. But you go to school for a reason! TO LEARN! (and not to learn how to be a slut). Yeah the guys pay attention to you, but only for one reason, and its not to take you home to mommy and make you their wife, or even their girlfriends. I honestly feel really sorry for girls that feel the need to dress this way. Yes it is hot in Arizona, and around the world, but try a long maxi dress and flip flops!
***Side note, I wanna say that I'm not jealous, the girls that I see are beautiful girls, that I feel could offer a lot more if they were to show a lot less. I had my college days(never dressed like them) ***
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