Friday, March 25, 2011


In one month (4/25) I will be turning dare I say 30! I will be leaving my wonderful 20's behind with a frown! I remember my tenth birthday when my father said "oh your a big girl now you hit the double digits", now if only I could go back to being 10! Everyone says I look young and when I buy my husband ciggs (ewww) I get carded, I smile, but I think they are just trying to be nice! I mean really I cant look 17, I have had 2 children!
I have gone into secret panic mode and haven't expressed it to my husband since he is younger he will just laugh at me.  So what is  girl to do? RESEARCH THE BEST FREAKING FACE CREAMS!!!!
I have never used face creams in my life.  I have been blessed with good skin! But I feel this pressure to try creams on my face.  I used to work for many cosmetic companies, and I felt guilty selling creams cause I felt like they don't really work and honestly some of them just weight your skin down.  So I think I will start lightly.
Watch next week I will be posting about an electric scooter (use the old people kind) and the next week picking out my casket and land plot! I will keep you girls posted with the casket I mean cream I buy! :)


  1. Aww don't worry Natalie.. 30 is sure to be a fantastic age! After those 'terrible twenties' in which lots of us are still growing into ourselves, worried about how we look, what we wear, who we talk to/about and so on, your 30s can be filled with confidence! and you're as old as you behave ;)

    so knowing a little bit about you from your blog, i'm absolutely sure that you won't look a day over 20 even when you turn 30! confidence is sexy and makes you much more appealing than a trembling 21-year old who wears too much blusher to conceal her youth spots :p

    I'm turning 23 in May and I've caught myself once or twice thinking "oh my god, 23 already..". I'm pretty sure I'll be saying that every single year, as in 'oh my god I'm 24/45/52/67..." so I intend to have fun with it! It sounds like you already have a great guy and a wonderful family so, with the right face cream, nothing is standing in your way to make your 30th year of life your best one yet! Go for it ^_^

  2. Thank you :)
    Im really dreading it but I know that I cant stay in my twenties forever. Its just that so much happened in them that I don't wanna let them go! Wow when I was your age I had already a 2 yr old daughter!!! Well everyone thinks I'm young and I act young, I don't even feel a day over 20! So I will keep that in my head :)

  3. that's the spirit! my brother is a year and a half older than me and has 2 kids, but personally i think that stage in life is still a while away for me. i'm so busy with school/career/enjoying freedom that i just don't feel ready. but we all live life at our own pace and with your attitude, i'm sure you'll still be 20 at heart when you're 75!

  4. Well today I was out shopping with my husband and I said "I need to go to forever 21 and get some stuff" and he is like "well you need to start your own store called forever 31" I got soooooo mad!!!
